Sunday 2 December 2012

Flash Dance... What a Feeling

So after months and months of procrastination of potentially the strongest type.. I'm back.

I've started a 12 week change. It's a change in diet, in lifestyle and in how I exercise.
The thing is, I needed help. It wasn't, isn't a change I was going to be able to do myself. I've studied all my life, but this was never something I got an A in - so how did I think it was something that I could power through by myself.

So I've started the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation.
(From here on will be called: 12wbt)
I've had 24 years to build a life time of bad habits. And it's not easy to break them.
But I'm trying. I'm trying to eat right, and keep my calories low - really not easy when I'm used to huge portion sizes... And keeping meals to 300 calories is tough... But I'm trying.

I managed to take the easy way in life when it came to exercise. Somehow I was able to keep the weight on, even when doing hours of exercise per week.
Then I stopped, and starting again... Oh starting again.
It's not easy, but I'm trying.

Bad habits die hard... But I would like them to just die.

I want to be able to wear clothes that I can buy in any store.
I don't want to have to think I could be a plus sized model.
That I'm told I'm beautiful, not that I have a beautiful smile.

This isn't going to be easy, but I'm trying.

I'm building a support team behind me, people who will believe in me, who are cheering for me - my own personal cheer squad if you will.
There are forums if I want to go on them... But it's not my thing, not yet.
When I'm ready, I guess they had better watch out.

This is not going to be easy, but I'm going to try.

Sunday 6 May 2012

I can see clearly now the rain has gone

I'm not going to lie.
While I did a fair amount of walking, and did a couple of days of jogging with the dog.... I actually didn't get any Zumba done.

I'm going to blame the weather, its the kind of weather that makes you want to crawl right back into bed.

So this week, I have to come up with ways to overcome this hibernation feeling.
I feel better that this will happen this week, I don't have the worst week of the month - and I have goals.

Recently one of my friends lost over 20 kilos, and I think if she can do it, I can work on losing the weight I don't want to be carrying around any more.

So, this week, my plan (other than cleaning the entire house) is to start this Zumba DVD, get dancing... and I hope that in my next post I will be able to post an amount of weight I have lost, and hope to never find again.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Let's get down to business


My name is Megan, I'm 24, and as it is the first day of the month I've decided to take control of my life and start anew.

When 2012 started, I decided that this would be my year of change.
Every month thus far, I have been trying new experiences that I would have balked at before - and I'm having a great time doing it.

The new challenge for May is starting a new weight-loss programme, well new to me.
A while ago, my mother bought some Zumba dvd's. So starting with these, I'm going to try and put myself in a shape that isn't round.
As I used to be a dancer I thought that this type of exercise wouldn't be foreign to me, and I possibly can even enjoy it.

As I feel I have a long way to go, Zumba won't be the only exercise I will be doing, but it is a start.

So, starting today we're on a path to a better me.
Join in me in my struggles and my gains... and remember if I can do it, anyone can.

And yes, each blog post title will be based off a song title.